Spread the word about BEE Fundamentals, free training modules in energy efficiency and energy code basics. Utilize our outreach and marketing resources below.
Flier and Messages
Copy and paste the messages below or share the flier with people in your network.
Newsletter message: Are you looking for FREE teaching materials and resources on energy efficiency and energy code topics? Check out Building Energy Education (BEE) Fundamentals. This curriculum, developed by the University of Illinois Smart Energy Design Assistance Center, in partnership with the US Department of Energy, consists of 15 modules on building energy basics, energy efficiency careers, the building envelope, mechanical systems and more. Check out the Instructor Toolkit to get started or visit the Moodle site where you can register to access our modules.
Social media messages: Check out BEE Fundamentals, free-to-use training modules to introduce energy efficiency basics to your students: https://faasedac.web.illinois.edubee_fundamentals
Do you teach building design or construction? Integrate energy efficiency and energy code basics into your curriculum with BEE Fundamentals, free training modules from the University of Illinois. https://faasedac.web.illinois.edubee_fundamentals
Are you a building code professional? Get a refresher on energy code and energy efficiency basics with the free BEE Fundamentals training modules. https://faasedac.web.illinois.edubee_fundamentals
Videos to Spread the Word
Share links to these videos that introduce the introduction modules, the envelope modules, the mechanical & electrical modules, and the advanced modules.