Lagoon Aeration Strategies for Increased Energy Efficiency

Wastewater treatment facilities use aeration to provide oxygen that meets the required biological oxygen demand (BOD) for their processes. Energy […]

Activated Sludge Aeration Strategies for Increased Energy Efficiency

Wastewater treatment facilities use aeration to provide oxygen that meets the required biological oxygen demand (BOD) for their processes. Energy […]

Pollution Prevention Fact Sheets

Auto Body & Repair Shops: Automotive body and repair shops can prevent pollution and save energy associated with their day-to-day […]

Illinois Stretch Code: Commercial

The Illinois Stretch Energy Code allows municipalities and projects funded by the Capital Development Board to achieve greater energy efficiency […]

How to Protect Yourself from PFAS in Foodware: Health Risks and Smart Tips for Consumers

When you order takeout or use disposable food containers, you might not realize that the packaging could be introducing harmful […]

Choose PFAS-Free: A Commitment to Food & Customer Safety!

As awareness grows about the health risks associated with PFAS “PEA-fass” (also known as per- and polyfluoroalkyl “PAUL-ee-floor-oh-AL-kill.” substances) in […]

Alternative Code-compliant Framed Wall Assemblies

One of the major challenges with advancing energy codes is helping the homebuilding community learn how to comply with the […]

Illinois Stretch Code: Residential

A stretch code is a more demanding code than a base code that some jurisdictions elect to adopt to gain […]

Preparing Illinois Businesses for a Sustainable Future: Pollution Prevention Strategies and Innovations Webinar Series

Join us to explore how sustainability and pollution prevention solutions benefit Illinois businesses by increasing profitability, reducing waste, and increasing […]

Case Study: No-Cost and Low-Cost Measures to Improve Energy Efficiency at WWTPs

Energy represents a significant expense across all processes at wastewater treatment systems, after operations and maintenance costs. The most energy-intensive […]

Case Study: Du Quoin Wastewater Treatment Plant

The Du Quoin Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) in southern Illinois runs a Schrieber Plant with an average flow of 2.4 […]

Opportunities and Stacking Funding: Paying for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Projects in Illinois Colleges

Building construction and maintenance can be costly for large and complex energy efficiency and renewable energy projects and self-funding is […]

The Path to Resilience: Maximizing Energy Savings at Wastewater Treatment Plants

Wastewater treatment facilities can account for up to 30% of a municipality’s energy use. Plants that set energy efficiency as […]

Electric Lawn Mower Considerations for Batteries and Maintenance

If you are considering the adoption of electric outdoor tools to replace gas-powered equipment, consider the following benefits offered: We’ve […]

Lighting Considerations for Illinois Community Colleges

Lighting upgrades and changeouts provide opportunities to improve the environment while minimizing energy consumption. SEDAC provides 3 resources for good […]

Water Pumping Efficiency Technical Tip

Fluid pumping is a major component of many water and wastewater plants’ energy consumption. For most potable water plants, pumping […]

SEDAC Engineers Attend National Energy Codes Conference

Recently SEDAC Engineers Shawn Maurer and Ryan Siegel attended the 2024 National Energy Codes Conference hosted by the U.S. Department of Energy […]

A Safer Future: Embracing PFAS-Free Takeout Containers

SEDAC has embarked on a collaborative project aimed at transforming the foodservice industry in the Chicagoland area. In partnership with […]

Energy Codes & Energy Resilience

Energy codes dictate building performance related to energy use and conservation through design, materials,and methods of construction. The codes provide […]

Image describing Illinois' first green dining district

Piloting Illinois’ First Green Dining District

The restaurant industry in Illinois is ripe for a cooperative effort to reduce food waste, plastics, and energy use. Most […]

Fringe Salon Case Study

Fringe of Lombard is a boutique salon offering a unique sustainability experience for their customers. Since 2017, when the salon […]

Build Tight, Ventilate Right

“Build tight, ventilate right” is an often-repeated motto of those who consider energy efficiency and comfort as critical to the […]

Cold Climate Heat Pumps Work!

Heat pump technology is far from new. The concept was first developed in the mid to late 1800’s and has […]

2021 IECC: Code Basics and Simplifying Code Compliance Workshop

SEDAC Energy Code trainers Shawn Maurer and Ryan Siegel traveled to Springfield on October 17, 2023 to present an energy […]

Building Electrification

Building electrification describes the shift to using electricity rather than burning fossil fuels like oil, gas, and coal for heating […]

Kishwaukee Water Reclamation District WWTP Case Study

The Kishwaukee Water Reclamation District (KWRD) has been pursuing energy efficiency and energy recovery opportunities for many years. In October […]

Village of Heyworth WWTP Case Study

In 2022, the Village of Heyworth wastewater treatment plant, a 1.0 MGD lagoon system, faced an electric supply hike of […]

Herrin WWTP Case Study

In 2018, SEDAC performed an energy assessment for the Herrin IL Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP). The assessment identified several energy […]

Illinois Stretch Energy Code

On September 15, 2021, Governor Pritzker signed Senate Bill 2408, enacting the Illinois Energy Transition Act (formerly known as the […]

Retro-commissioning: A Resource for Building Owners and Operators

Retro-commissioning (RCx) is the process of improving how existing building equipment and systems function together. Depending on the age of […]

Solar array

How will CEJA Grow the Solar Workforce?

The Illinois Climate and Equitable Jobs Act (CEJA) sets a goal for Illinois to reach 40% renewable energy by 2030 […]

Sustainable Design Class Students Tour Solar Production Sites in Champaign and Urbana, Illinois

On a cool and sunny spring afternoon in Central Illinois, students from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) Sustainable […]

Algal Treatment for Wastewater Treatment Plants

A new process to enhance water treatment and minimize energy consumption is gaining traction in Water Resource Recovery. The concept […]

Illinois EPA Public Water Infrastructure Energy Efficiency Program Flyer

Take a look at our program flyer for information on no-cost energy assessments, top energy savings opportunities, and realized savings […]

Growing the Clean Energy Workforce

It’s an exciting time to be part of the clean energy workforce! Recent state and federal legislation has brought unprecedented […]

Solar Power Purchase Agreements (PPA) Guide

Many organizations are considering adding solar to their electricity mix. This guide discusses power purchase agreements (PPA) for the procurement […]

2021 IECC Significant Changes

Updates to the International Energy Conservation Code (2018 to 2021) aim to improve building energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gases. […]

Zero Code

In 2018, the non-profit organization Architecture 2030 created the Zero Code with the goal of reducing overall building sector emissions […]

Passive House

Do you know Passive House certified homes use about 90% less energy than the average home? Passive House building standards […]

Electric Lawn Mowers

It’s a great time to electrify your lawnmower! With high gasoline prices, it is practical to investigate the benefits of […]

Heat Pump Water Heaters

Every year US Colleges and Universities spend almost 10% of their energy use on water heating. By implementing energy efficient […]

Lift Station Optimization in Wastewater Treatment Plants

Lift stations move wastewater from lower to higher elevation, particularly where the elevation of wastewater sources is not sufficient for […]

Illinois Home Energy Code Checklist & Energy Certificate

For Homeowners and Realtors. Are you interested in buying an energy efficient home? Do you want to learn how to make your home more energy efficient? This checklist can help you quickly assess a home's energy performance and construction.

Making it Easier for Businesses to Go Green & Track Impact

SEDAC and the the California Green Business Network, one of the largest and longest running green business programs in the country, […]

Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

To address the challenges of rising gas prices, climate change, and dwindling fossil fuel resources, policymakers point to electrification as […]

Energy Code Benefits for Architects & Engineers

Energy codes provide an opportunity for architects and engineers to serve the public good by creating buildings with low environmental […]

Energy Code Benefits for Homeowners and Realtors

For over 25 years, building energy codes have played a significant role in saving American homeowners money on utilities while […]

Using SCADA to Improve and Assess Operations

A Supervisory Control & Data Acquisition (SCADA) system is an assemblage of computer and communications equipment that gathers, monitors, and […]

Empty classroom image

Public Schools Carbon Free Assessment Program

On September 15, 2021, Governor Pritzker signed Senate Bill 2408, forming the Illinois Energy Transition Act. This landmark legislation puts […]

Wastewater Treatment Plant image

Efficient Nitrogen and Phosphorous Removal

Wastewater treatment facilities are commonly required to implement treatment processes that reduce effluent nutrient concentrations to levels that regulators deem […]

Urbana downtown

Energy Code Benefits for Communities

How do energy codes benefit communities? Energy codes lower utility costs, increase resilience to climate events, reduce pollution, place less […]

Hydrogen bus image

Act Now on Hydrogen Energy

Read the latest Midwestern Hydrogen Partnership publication about how the hydrogen economy can support a healthy environment, economic development, and […]

Scoreboard showing plant's education production and use.

Downers Grove Net Zero Wastewater Treatment with Bio-gas

Innovative leadership and collaboration with the Illinois Clean Energy Community Foundation has allowed the Downers Grove Sanitary District WWTP to become a net-zero energy plant. Read how the district has reduced costs and increased resiliency by running their plant with bio-gas produced on site.

Image of pool cover

John A. Logan College Pool Cover Case Study

John A. Logan College (JALC) has a history of implementing energy efficiency improvements to reduce energy costs and to demonstrate […]

Fresh air coming into a classroom

Increased Ventilation

Overview: Increasing the amount of outdoor air and cleaned filtered air introduced to educational spaces is one of the key […]

Filter image

Improved Filtration

Overview: Increasing filtration of recirculated air improves indoor air quality and reduces airborne pathogens by capturing finer particles in the […]

Image of girl getting her temperature taken

Improving IAQ: Low-Concentration Hydrogen Peroxide

Overview: Technologies based on the use of low concentrations of gaseous or ionized hydrogen peroxide have been employed in hospitals […]

Individual being interviewed for a job

Growing the Energy Efficiency Workforce: Crafting Effective Job Postings

In the current job market where job seekers have a multitude of different options, how do you craft a job […]

Image of carbon filter

Chemical Filters

Overview: Chemical filters are a means of trapping gaseous air pollutants such as VOCs to improve indoor air quality. The […]

Diagram of UVGI devices and how they capture particles

Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation (UVGI)

Overview: Ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI) has been used for decades to purify air in hospitals and labs that need to […]