Activated Sludge Aeration Strategies for Increased Energy Efficiency
Wastewater treatment facilities use aeration to provide oxygen that meets the required biological oxygen demand (BOD) for their processes. Energy […]
SEDAC | Smart Energy Design Assistance Center at The University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Energy Efficiency in Illinois , Energy Code Training, Energy Code Workshops, Online Energy Code Training, Wastewater energy efficiency, Climate Action Planning, Incentives for Energy Efficiency in Illinois, Energy Efficiency Upgrades, Solar feasibility study, C-Pace Assistance, Green Business Certification
Wastewater treatment facilities use aeration to provide oxygen that meets the required biological oxygen demand (BOD) for their processes. Energy […]
Wastewater treatment facilities use aeration to provide oxygen that meets the required biological oxygen demand (BOD) for their processes. Energy […]
Auto Body & Repair Shops: Automotive body and repair shops can prevent pollution and save energy associated with their day-to-day […]
When you order takeout or use disposable food containers, you might not realize that the packaging could be introducing harmful […]
As awareness grows about the health risks associated with PFAS “PEA-fass” (also known as per- and polyfluoroalkyl “PAUL-ee-floor-oh-AL-kill.” substances) in […]
The Illinois Stretch Energy Code allows municipalities and projects funded by the Capital Development Board to achieve greater energy efficiency […]
SEDAC has embarked on a collaborative project aimed at transforming the foodservice industry in the Chicagoland area. In partnership with […]
Take a look at our program flyer for information on no-cost energy assessments, top energy savings opportunities, and realized savings […]
One of the major challenges with advancing energy codes is helping the homebuilding community learn how to comply with the […]
A stretch code is a more demanding code than a base code that some jurisdictions elect to adopt to gain […]