Wastewater Treatment Plant Resiliency: From Back-Up Generators to Renewables

Join SEDAC and local wastewater operators to discuss power resilience for wastewater systems. Resilience is the ability for a treatment system to prepare for, cope with, recover from, and adapt to a range of climate-related threats. We’ll cover topics from back-up generators to renewable energy, such as solar power purchase agreements (PPAs) or site-owned solar arrays, combined heat and power systems (CHP), and other options for on-site generation. We’ll also talk about the trade-offs between various types of fossil fuel backup generators and battery banks and the importance of overall efficiency in improving the energy resilience of your facilities.
It is critical to not only maintain water treatment infrastructure during power outages, but also to make sure facilities are using energy efficiently across all aspects of the treatment process. Making plant improvements that improve plant performance and reduce energy use will likely create a more resilient facility to weather future disruptions and recover more swiftly from unpredicted and/or unprecedented events.


May 20 2025


10:30 am - 11:30 am

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Wastewater Treatment Plants Energy Efficiency
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