SEDAC and the the California Green Business Network, one of the largest and longest running green business programs in the country, have partnered to empower green business programs to calculate and share environmental and cost savings from businesses that have implemented green practices. This project, funded by the U.S. EPA Exchange Network, has helped programs across the United States take a giant leap forward. 

We worked collaboratively to completely redesign and improved environmental both metrics collection and calculation, as well as the user interface, for the web-based platform used by 10 states to help businesses go green, GreenBizTracker. This project allowed us to enhance environmental impact reporting, while ensuring that metrics used in the system are up to date. It also allows businesses to understand their environmental and cost impacts of going green more accurately.

Learn more about this exciting project in the report below, highlighting how our work enhances the capabilities of green business programs across the country and accelerates the adoption of sustainable business practices across the nation.