Join us to explore how sustainability and pollution prevention solutions benefit Illinois businesses by increasing profitability, reducing waste, and increasing operational effectiveness.
SEDAC, in partnership with the Businesses Reducing Impact on the Environment (BRITE) Program staff at the Cook County Department of Environment and Sustainability, will be hosting a free webinar series to explore opportunities for pollution prevention and sustainability at three industry sectors:
Save Money and Reduce Pollution: Greening your Food & Beverage Facility
July 29, 2024, at 1pm
Sustainable Surface Finishing: Pollution Prevention Practices and Innovations
August 5, 2024, at 1pm
Driving Towards Efficiency: Save Money & Reduce Pollution at your Automotive Service Business
August 13, 2024, at 1pm
Most businesses facilities can improve profitability and reduce their environmental impact by reducing energy and water use, along with waste. Pollution prevention eliminates pollution at its source, and many waste and pollution minimization techniques are inexpensive and easy to implement. Reducing pollution leads to increased operational profits, while demonstrating your company’s commitment to reducing environmental impact in your community.
Webinar attendees will:
- Learn key tips to reduce pollution and increase operational efficiency.
- Identify funding sources to support sustainable changes that reduce pollution.
- Connect to programs and individuals that can support your sustainability journey.
Additional speakers for each webinar session will be announced.
Register now at no cost and learn how sustainability can benefit your business!