What was SEDAC up to in 2021? Read our highlights!

Energy Code Training

Our Energy Code Training Program had a record-breaking year, with nearly 2,400 individuals attending 15 online workshops and webinars or taking one or more of our 27 online classes. 139 individuals received guidance through our technical support center. We also developed a Building Energy Education Fundamentals training program for community colleges, with funding from the Department of Energy.

Energy code graphic
Energy efficiency workforce graphic

Energy Efficiency Workforce Initiative

SEDAC worked with the Ameren Illinois Energy Efficiency Program and SEEL to grow and diversify the energy efficiency workforce in the Peoria region. We helped over 40 individuals learn more about energy efficiency jobs, receive training, and connect to jobs. We helped 11 job seekers find employment in energy efficiency and helped another 11 individuals enroll in energy efficiency training programs.

Public Water Infrastructure Energy Efficiency

SEDAC completed energy assessments for 20 wastewater treatment plants, identifying opportunities to save $559,000 annually in energy costs. Implemented savings resulted in 1.1 M kWh and an annual cost savings of $145,000. SEDAC offered energy assessments for water treatment plants as well. We delivered 5 webinars to nearly 500 participants, educating them about strategies to reduce energy and costs.  Read more.

Wastewater Treatment Plant
Energy assessments

Energy Efficiency Services

During 2021 our team worked with five clients on a variety of projects including Energy Assessments, New Construction, and Net Zero planning. We identified $42,600 in annual energy cost savings including 26,000 therms of natural gas and 341,300 kWh of electricity. Read more.

ComEd Public Buildings in Distressed Communities

SEDAC worked with the ComEd Energy Efficiency Program to deliver the Public Buildings in Distressed Communities offering. This offering provided free lighting kits to eligible public sector entities. SEDAC verified 21,077,644 kWh of annual savings from 969 projects with $1,686,212 of actual cost savings for our clients.

Office buildings
Solar Array

Solar Feasibility Studies

In 2021, SEDAC continued to explore the feasibility of developing solar on state lands for the Illinois Department of Natural Resources and the Illinois Department of Transportation. In 2021 our solar feasibility studies recommended up to 158 MW of solar arrays. Read more.

Collecting and Expanding Environmental Data

SEDAC worked to streamline the process of collecting and tracking business environmental data, funded by the National Environmental Information Exchange Network Grant Program. Information will be used to encourage sustainable business operations and broadcast green business environmental data. With this grant, Illinois became the first Midwest state to launch the GreenBizTracker tool, a powerful green business program management tool. Read more.

Climate action planning

Net Zero Planning

SEDAC helped IGEN community colleges develop net zero plans, through collaborative meetings and technical assistance. We helped colleges conduct greenhouse gas emissions inventories and identify solutions to reduce emissions. We also provided net zero planning services for IDNR state parks and facilities. We helped six colleges identify ways to reduce their emissions by 61,958 MTCO2e. Read more.

Education to Improve Indoor Air Quality

The SEDAC team delivered webinars and developed resources to help schools learn about building modifications to reduce virus transmission. Thanks to the financial support from the University of Illinois Extension we were able to deliver 3 workshops and webinars to 59 attendees. We also developed and published 14 Technical Notes and Resources that generated 1,324 unique webpage views. Read more.

Online training graphic
Buildings with landscape graphic

Grant Writing Assistance

SEDAC worked with the Ameren Illinois Energy Efficiency Program to assist community-based organizations in applying for external grants to facilitate energy efficiency projects and workforce development. We helped four community organizations apply for 9 grants, with a total combined request of nearly $700,000.

Analysis of Elevator Energy Efficiency

SEDAC conducted market research on behalf of the ComEd Energy Efficiency Program to explore the potential of developing an energy efficiency offering for elevators. We identified standard practices in the current elevator retrofit market, estimated the energy savings opportunity in the ComEd service territory, and provided insight into barriers to adoption and ways to reduce them.

Highrise buildings