2020 has been a crazy year for all of us! Despite the many challenges, the SEDAC team has pressed forward with our work to reduce the energy footprint of the State of Illinois and grow the energy efficiency workforce. We thank all of our friends, clients, and partners for being the bright spots in our year, and we look forward to brighter days to come.

Online training graphic

COVID-19 Education and Support

In response to the pandemic, the SEDAC team has been researching and educating people about building modifications to reduce virus transmission. We have provided risk assessments to facilities and have delivered webinars and educational material on best practices. In 2021, we will continue these efforts through a grant from the University of Illinois Extension. Read more. 

Energy Code Training

Our Energy Code Training Program had a record-breaking year, with over 2,600 individuals attending online workshops and webinars or taking online classes. 166 individuals received guidance through our technical support center. We also began developing an energy code training program for community colleges, with funding from the Department of Energy. Read more. 

Energy code graphic
Energy efficiency workforce graphic

Energy Efficiency Workforce Development

SEDAC worked with the Ameren Illinois Market Development Initiative to explore the energy efficiency workforce needs in Illinois. Our research efforts included a review of literature, stakeholder interviews, and a stakeholder summit. We will be working with Ameren Illinois to deliver a pilot project in 2021 to grow and diversify the energy efficiency workforce. Read more. 

Wastewater Treatment Plant Energy Efficiency

SEDAC completed energy assessments for 20 wastewater treatment plants, identifying opportunities to save $458,000 annually in energy costs. Implemented savings resulted in 1.1 M kWh and a cost savings of $129,000 annually. SEDAC began offering energy assessments for water treatment plants as well. Read more. 

Wastewater Treatment Plant
Energy assessments

Energy Efficiency Services

SEDAC partnered with 360 Energy Group to provide lighting kits and HVAC services through the ComEd Energy Efficiency Program. We also provided energy assessments and RCx services to public sector facilities in the Ameren Illinois territory. Read more.

Net Zero Planning

SEDAC helped IGEN community colleges develop net zero plans, through collaborative meetings and technical assistance. We helped colleges conduct greenhouse gas emissions inventories and identify solutions to reduce emissions. We also provided net zero planning services for IDNR state parks and facilities. Read more. 

Climate action planning
Solar Array

Solar Feasibility Studies

In 2020, SEDAC continued to explore the feasibility of developing solar on state lands for the Illinois Department of Natural Resources and the Illinois Department of Transportation. Read more.

Collecting and Expanding Environmental Data

SEDAC worked to streamline the process of collecting and tracking business environmental data, funded by the National Environmental Information Exchange Network Grant Program. The project will modernize, automate, and expand data sharing through GreenBizTracker. Read more.
