SEDAC is an applied research center at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign that serves communities, businesses, and public agencies.


Our mission is to empower organizations with practical solutions for climate, energy, and sustainability.

Our programs

Energy code training

Public water infrastructure energy assessments

Workforce development

Energy efficiency services

Green business services

Solar services

Building energy education

Climate action planning

Who we serve


Clean energy professionals


Water and wastewater systems

Colleges and universities

State agencies and utilities

Power plays

Smart tips to supercharge your energy savings

Lagoon Aeration Strategies for Increased Energy Efficiency

Wastewater treatment facilities use aeration to provide oxygen that meets the required biological oxygen demand (BOD) for their processes. Energy […]

Activated Sludge Aeration Strategies for Increased Energy Efficiency

Wastewater treatment facilities use aeration to provide oxygen that meets the required biological oxygen demand (BOD) for their processes. Energy […]

Pollution Prevention Fact Sheets

Auto Body & Repair Shops: Automotive body and repair shops can prevent pollution and save energy associated with their day-to-day […]

Illinois Stretch Code: Commercial

The Illinois Stretch Energy Code allows municipalities and projects funded by the Capital Development Board to achieve greater energy efficiency […]

How to Protect Yourself from PFAS in Foodware: Health Risks and Smart Tips for Consumers

When you order takeout or use disposable food containers, you might not realize that the packaging could be introducing harmful […]

Choose PFAS-Free: A Commitment to Food & Customer Safety!

As awareness grows about the health risks associated with PFAS “PEA-fass” (also known as per- and polyfluoroalkyl “PAUL-ee-floor-oh-AL-kill.” substances) in […]

Alternative Code-compliant Framed Wall Assemblies

One of the major challenges with advancing energy codes is helping the homebuilding community learn how to comply with the […]

Illinois Stretch Code: Residential

A stretch code is a more demanding code than a base code that some jurisdictions elect to adopt to gain […]

Contact Us

Have a question? Interested in working with us? Call or email us and we'll respond within two business days.

800.214.7954 | sedac-info@illinois.edu


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Fill out the SEDAC Services Application.