The City of Carbondale’s City Hall and Civic Center is the heart of Carbondale. The city hall provides office space for city government, staff and public services, while the civic center provides space for meetings and social events. This 48,450 square foot facility received an energy assessment ten years ago, but Mark Bollmann, Facilities and Property Management Manager for the City of Carbondale, felt that the building energy systems could
be more efficient.
Bollmann reached out to SEDAC to complete a Retrocommissioning (RCx) study, funded by the Ameren Illinois Energy Efficiency Program. RCx works to ensure that equipment and systems function as intended and operate at optimal efficiency. SEDAC’s RCx report recommended energy reduction measures that could save the facility $18,100 in annual energy costs, a 24% reduction. See the table below for estimated savings and project costs for each recommended measure.
RCx: Low-cost measures bring big savings
Actual project costs ($26,000) were somewhat higher than estimated in the RCx report, but total incentives provided by Ameren Illinois were also much higher than estimated ($22,284). With the added incentives, Carbondale was able to achieve a simple payback of less than two months for the measures
Read the entire Carbondale Case Study